Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Lao Lessons

Sabaaidii! Hello!

I have started taking Lao lessons as of 6:30 PM tonight, and my head is already spinning.  First of all, they have their own alphabet, so I'm learning their letters, the sounds each letter makes, the sounds combinations of letters make, and how to read and write.  I met with my tutor for an hour tonight - at the end she asked if she went too fast, and I just gave her a blank stare and managed a nod.
Lao language - Lao alphabet
I learned the first seven consonants on the chart below, and then also a few vowels and phrases.
Afterwards, I went to Joma cafe with my coworker Jackie to study my letters. This is me with some coffee and my new Lao workbook!
Oh and another fun fact.  All American names are too hard for the Lao to say, so they give Ex Pats Lao names.  I was christened with my Lao name tonight.  It is pronounced Ma Lee (kinda like Molly) and it is a local flower in Lao that smells good.  My tutor Keo gave me a few to pick from, and Ma Lee was the only one I could pronounce so I went with that one.

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