Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Daily Photo Challenge

Hello! I was What'sApp chatting with my friend Laura today and she recommended that I post one picture a day showing one really cool/weird/cultural/random thing I saw that day.  I am up for the challenge! I'm hoping it will make me take more pictures, as I am not a good picture taker, and make me appreciate everything I am seeing while over here.

The one I am posting today is actually from last nights dinner.

Duck Blood Soup

This my friends is what is called Duck Blood Soup.  It is a cold soup that the broth is made from duck blood. The blood was already congealing when it was brought to us, and there is duck skin and other duck parts (and supposedly vegetables - since when my coworker Jackie and I asked if we could order vegetables, Lanoy, our wonderful host pointed to the soup).  I was only able to get one spoonful down. This is definitely the weirdest thing I've eaten so far and hardest for my stomach. I'm sure it is just the beginning as I've been told the Lao eat everything - except cat because cats are considered lucky.

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